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About Wheels for Martin's Friends

For over 35 Years Wheels for Martin’s Friends has been helping people of all ages with their disabilities
Martin Dellar original picture.jpg

History of Wheels for Martin's Friends

The charity was originally formed in 1989, when it was called "Wheels for Martin", the purpose was to raise funds to buy Martin Dellar, who lived in Guilden Morden, an electric wheelchair. Various events were arranged and the target of £1,200 was well surpassed, raising a total of just over £6,000, which enabled us to help Martin even further and some other young people.
Although Martin is no longer with us, it was decided that the fundraising would continue. The charity was renamed "Wheels for Martin's Friends" with the objective of raising funds for the provision of mobility aids for people in need within the Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and Cambridgeshire region.

Over £400,000 has been raised to date and all of this money has been used to provide mobility equipment for over one hundred people. Standard wheelchairs have also been placed in the local villages and doctor surgeries for the use of residents and visitors in temporary need.

In 1996 formal charity registration was obtained and our charity is now managed by the trustees and is based at Boundary House, 19 Thompsons Meadow, Guilden Morden, Royston, Herts., SG8 0UA.

The Charity is run on a purely voluntary basis with various fund raising events throughout the year. The main one is the annual sponsored golf day which is normally held in June at The John O’Gaunt golf club in Bedfordshire.

All funds raised are used to help those in need and our running costs are minimal. 
This year will be our 35th year and it is hoped that we will be able to raise a record amount.

For further information please contact Peter Furmston, the Chairman, on 01763 852125 or email us on

We will be only too pleased to help if we can.

PRESIDENT B.G.Crane. TRUSTEES : P.J.Furmston Chairman, P.Heavey. A. Porter. D. Tear. Committee members S. Harrison.

Helping to provide​ mobility aids in Cambs, Beds​, and Herts for over 35 years!

We Need Your Support Today!

Wheels for Martin's Friends

For over 35 Years Wheels for Martin’s Friends has been helping people of all ages with their disabilities.


Phone: 01763 852 125

Registered UK Charity: 1056864

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© 2023 Wheels for Martin's Friends. Founded in 1989 UK Charity Number 1056864

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